This, like all your pieces, is sensationalized, black or white, and emotionally generated. It’s fine to be emotional as long as you are accurate. You are not accurate.
First of all, 2025 is not two years away, it’s about three. That’s the first giveaway to the emotioonal reasoning of your writing. If you can’t add 2022 + 3 = 2025, not 2024, why should anyone believe the rest of your rant? They shouldn’t, not just for this error, but because it makes TONS of leaps of faith.
You have no idea if we are going to make it to 2050. That’s a pretty big deal to just be guessing or doomerist about. And irresponsible.
You have largely no idea what is going to happen between now and 2050. In fact, just today, days after your doomer essay, Biden just made a deal with the Senate for hundreds of billions of dollars of climate relief that is projected to reduce green house gas emissions significantly towards the 2050 goal — and just days after you published this essay. This is in light what scientists have told us: the world will get hotter, more quickly than expected, and climate crisis will exacerbate.
Another reality check on your sketchy doomerism: have you ever seen a trauma or disease victim in really bad shape . . . only to make a (nearly full) recovery? Our world is that patient. That’s why it’s really bad to predict the future by the looks of the present, especially in such bold ways. It’s arrogant and ignorant.
And no, poverty doesn’t lead to inaction. How many monied folks do you know to be taking bold action? Not many I bet; they are all too busy making more money. Whereas, all over the world the poor are the activists, because they HAVE to be, to protect the little sustenance they have.
You repeat yourself over and over, as if saying something ten times makes it so. At the end, you give no concrete action steps. We all know we need new systems; now tell us how we can get there. You’re so sensationalist and emotionally reasoned that you’re not even grounded enough to speak to peoples’ everyday possibilities. So here are three helpful grounded steps (plus a bonus) to take, and what I usually recommend:
1) join a rebellion movement, like Fridays for Future, The Sunrise Movement, or Extinction Rebellion
2) get involved with your local government and ask for change, for climate emergency to be declared, and for carbon emission reduction
3) minimalize your life and overhead so you have time and other resources to dedicate to what matters most, and to your own self-care and care of community and earth.
4) start a support group so people feel more resilient to get involved.
I’ve done all four, and more, and it makes a difference.
Yes, things are bad, and genuinely will get worse. But when you start playing god and expert scientist, and can’t even subtract two from five to yield three, you’re not giving us reason to listen to you. Best to read this essay of yours, and most of your pieces I encounter, as a fairy tale, which has some verity, but is not to be taken literally (just like this irresponsible Charles Eisenstein essay).